Sunday, April 10, 2011

We're getting... A Kitten!

A few of you might have heard a rumor about how I've really wanted a kitten for quite some time. Ever since I was a kid, I've adored those furry little felines.  They just have a way of making you smile, ya know?

Yes, this is a mini-Lindsey.

Well ever since my cat died a year ago...

Kitty 1996-2010

Scrapbook pages I might have made when I was 11.

... I practically made Michael promise we'd get a kitten about 6 months after we got married and I've been looking forward to that day ever since. So of course around our 6 month anniversary, all I wanted for a present, was a little orange striped kitten with white paws. I hinted this to everyone we worked with, our friends, etc. On our weekend in Salt Lake for Valentine's, we had a candid conversation about if we move then finding a place that allows pets is hard, and those that allow pets usually charge very expensive monthly pet rent and a hefty pet deposit. So I dejectedly agreed we should wait.

Barely a week later, Michael comes into our room around 5:30am holding a very young orange striped cat with white paws. About 4 months old. It was so cold and scared and wouldn't stop crying. "We can't keep it," were his first words. Apparently Michael was getting ready for work and he heard meowing on our doorstep. 

Originally he intended to just shew it away, but seeing the orange stripes and white paws, he said, "Oh Hell," and brought it in to me. We gave it some tuna juice and he left while I looked for a shelter. Animal Control came and assured me that they would call me before he was put to sleep. Luckily, he was adopted before that happened. A few days after turning him in, we found the neighbor a few blocks away who was missing their cat (named Twinkie apparently), but wasn't super anxious to get him back since his mom was pregnant with kittens again and due any day. Twinkie's litter was 3 orange kittens and 1 black. The new litter had 3 black and 1 orange. I'm sure you can guess which one I wanted.

After a visit to see these kittens at a week old, Michael and I finally agreed that the pros of getting a kitten, outweighed the cons. 

Here is Tony the Tiger at 1 week old...

And 3 weeks...

And 4 weeks...

Kissing his sister Sparkles.

Still a bit wobbly.

Tony is 5 and a half weeks old now, so more pictures will come. We're so excited to be bringing this little guy home very soon!

He will be loved and spoiled for sure :)


  1. awe! so cute! i just want to smudge him! i'm excited for your new addition. makes me want a puppy.

    i need some puppy love.

  2. We brought him home last night! He is such a goof. You're welcome to come see him whenev!!!

  3. you know what they comes a baby! :)
